By buckley456 - 28/05/2012 03:33 - United States - Glenolden

Today, my remote control airplane arrived in the mail. I was super excited, so naturally I took it outside for its first flight. It now resides at the top of the tallest tree in sight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 801
You deserved it 8 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shrimp1234 4

Train a falcon and have it go get it.

baddawg365 0

To buy the falcon use the money you saved by switching to State Farm.


unknown_user5566 26

If you have nothing better to contribute than "idiot", why bother commenting? There's a "YDI" button for a reason.

perdix 29

Buy a R/C heavy lift helicopter and rescue your plane. If that also gets stuck, buy a bunch of planes and fly them into the top of the tree until it can no longer support the mass of your whole squadron. When the tree collapses, return all of the aircraft except your first plane to the store for a full refund. How did such a simple plan elude you?

hockeyoceancity 13

People these days ignoring the common sense solution to fixing a problem, way to go Perdix, good to know people still have brains. Also i think maybe buy yourself a real helicopter and fly by the tree and pick it out of the tree would work wonders, than you could fly your plane and drive a helicopter!

Too bad you can't REMOTELY fly it back out. Way to go Orville!

combatbunny 9

Buy another plane. Use it to get the first plane down.

Those things are a huge waste of money! They always crash, break or get lost on the very first flight. It's just not worth the money or aggravation!

mrlopez 13

In pilot school, they used to tell us how to fly a plane. Goes like this.. Push the stick away from you to make the plane go down. Pull the stick towards you to make the plane fly up. That is, until you decide to make the plane go down again, pull it in further. Here's wishing OP many future successful takeoffs, if he gets back his plane.

That's the same as "Push stick forward, houses get bigger. Pull stick backward, houses get smaller. Pull back too much, houses get bigger again" hahaha.

This joke is not funny anymore. How do you not see a tree unless you're blind.

unknown_user5566 26

It doesn't say that a tall-ass tree ambushed OP's plane out of nowhere. My guess is, OP flew it a bit too high, and it got caught by the wind.

uumlaut_strohson 3

clearly you haven't seen a TV ever. This happens all the time. You should have know your first flight would end in tree