By pvtcab - 05/10/2011 18:52 - United States

Today, my roommate and I had to pay our first installment of rent. He's nowhere to be found. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 086
You deserved it 3 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either he's a freeloader or he's trying really hard to cough up the money for the rent.

bertoelmexicano 6

Facebook knows where your roommate is


Don't worry about the rent, bro. I sold all your shit for a couple hundred bucks. You're good.

Istalkrexgar2000_fml 0

Pawn his bed? Really!?! Pawn everything he ******* owns til it equals the rent money.

cbdee 8

Assuming MIA roommate has anything of value, then yeah, sell what u can 2make his half, then still kick him out!!!

That's horrible! He's probably at the bar though....

EvangelinaGirl 0

Find a better room mate that'll support you.

I had a roommate like that many years ago. Trust me, this is a sign of things to come; he's always going to disappear when the rent/bills are due.

damianpwns 5

Hes next to you, just in ninja mode!

iPoopChickens 0

Time for a new roomate. Unless he was out with an emergency then it's understandable.

This is why I've never shared a property.