By pvtcab - 05/10/2011 18:52 - United States

Today, my roommate and I had to pay our first installment of rent. He's nowhere to be found. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 086
You deserved it 3 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either he's a freeloader or he's trying really hard to cough up the money for the rent.

bertoelmexicano 6

Facebook knows where your roommate is


This has happened to my friend...... Twice!!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Maybe he should learn that saying?

Op: "Remember, we have to pay the rent". Roomie "No prob. ( note to self, run to vegas with rent money)". :while holding a gun: 'Wheres my money, wheres my money, man' op: "uhhh...ehhmm...uhhh"... whell, those boy's got into some trouble with the money. Stay tuned. To be continued...

I'll be back next Wednesday to see what happens.

guckylynn 19

Why do you act like you're one of the funny well known regulars? Every comment of yours is annoying.

Damn it I accidentally liked this comment

Could you please stop commenting #72? For every time you do, I have to buy another plastic bag to store my vomit from seeing your fat, ugly head..

Llama_Face89 33

This happened to a friend of mine...a word of advice: DON'T bring any mutual friends into the conflict. My entire group of friends is taking one side or the other. And they are supposed to be adults... >_

Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you. I got your contact from the International web site FML. I prayed over it and selected your story among other names due to it's sad nature and the since you seem a nice and trusting worthy person I can do business with and I must not hesitate to confide in you for this simple and sincere business. I am Julia Gaddaffi; the only Daughter of late Mr Colonel Gaddaffi. My father was a very wealthy ruler in Lybia, before was choked to death on a hamster. Before the death of my father on 30th June 2011 in a private hospital here in Triploi, he secretly called me on his bedside and told me that he has a sum of $12.500.000 (Twelve Million, five hundred thousand dollars) left in a suspense account in a local Bank here in Triploi that he used my name as his first Daughter for the next of kin in deposit of the fund. He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that I should seek for an Allah fearing foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money and use it for investment purpose, (such as real estate management, or paying rent). Sir, I am are honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways. 1) To provide a Bank account where this money would be transferred to. 2) To serve as the guardian of this since I am a girl of 26 years. Moreover Sir, we are willing to offer you 15% of the sum as compensation for effort input after the successful transfer of this fund to your designate account overseas. please feel free to contact ,me via this email address Anticipating to hear from you soon. Thanks and God Bless. Best regards. Miss Julia Gaddaffil

What the ****? That was the dumbest, longest comment ever typed. Don't do shit like that.

You're doing a parody of those nigerian scams, nice, long, and a troll to. Smart bastard...

Would it be weird if I said I understood this comment?

queenb1621 21