By pvtcab - 05/10/2011 18:52 - United States

Today, my roommate and I had to pay our first installment of rent. He's nowhere to be found. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 086
You deserved it 3 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either he's a freeloader or he's trying really hard to cough up the money for the rent.

bertoelmexicano 6

Facebook knows where your roommate is


perdix 29

If he shows up with a stack of moist small bills, smelling of old man sweat and semen, you might not want to explore your bi-curious inclinations with him.

I hope you made up a rental agreement, otherwise you may end up paying for everything.

I hope both your names are on the lease... Otherwise YDI. His/her **** ups shouldn't make your credit score drop.

ChrisTheCalm 9

So much for first impressions.. His is straight in the toilet..

Eh smart guy lol maybe he'll cover the next one?