By pvtcab - 05/10/2011 18:52 - United States

Today, my roommate and I had to pay our first installment of rent. He's nowhere to be found. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 086
You deserved it 3 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either he's a freeloader or he's trying really hard to cough up the money for the rent.

bertoelmexicano 6

Facebook knows where your roommate is


holdenthemonkey 3

He was with me smoking crack... Sorry :/

Move out? Really? You know usually when you sign a lease you are there for a Year or what ever is agreed upon. One month at his/her new living arrangement and move out is your brilliant solution? Problem solved...

Egnar 19

Keyword "usually" - I have friends who pay month to month on a decent looking place well below value, they've been at the location for about 6-7 months now with no interest in signing a lease and neither does the landlord. The solution is still stupid, though. The first thing you do is pay your half of the rent and ask your landlord to give you 2-3 days extension for your roommate and if he doesn't show that you'll pay it for him. This does a few things for you, it shows your landlord that YOU are responsible [should you choose to remain living their] and that you're attempting to take responsibility for your roommate. If your roommate doesn't show up [who knows maybe something just happened] you pay that portion of the rent and than sell off some of his more expensive BUT REPLACEABLE items to make up what is owed. If you sell his TV its his own damn fault, but, if you sell his antique pocket watch from his great grandfather you're probably going to get your ass beat.. Once this is settled you use the time to look for a new roommate. Should your roommate reappear with an excuse that isn't incredibly amazing, you tell him you would like him to move out. If you signed a lease with both your names on it you're in a stickier situation but i'm sure you can find some way.

Throw a towel or sheet over it next time. Don't be such a moron who is subconsciously begging for a moral compass.

Throw his stuff out the window & then move out ASAP so that you're nowhere to be found.

I can definitely see that working flawlessly

ThatLooksSticky 16

Time to start selling his stuff.

Toowoo 3

Yes do what the pretty lady said