By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 13:53 - United States

Today, my roommate and I were walking to a bar and a group of guys shouted out at us "Hey, it's like we're on Animal Planet, I see a zebra and a gorilla." My roommate was wearing a zebra print shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 574
You deserved it 5 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

then shout back "yeah and I see a bunch of asses"

You should have asked them if they want to do it like they do on the discovery channel


The hysterical part is that they all think they're so clever and funny and wantable. I'm laughing right now because they're so stupid they don't realize how immature and self-defeating they are. Please... don't feel that was an FML. Instead, think about how lucky you are that they outted themselves as small-minded little boys. Now that you know they're worthless, ignore them and focus on the REAL men and women in the world; the ones who are worth your time and attention.

#89--- The word is "you're". It means "you are." As in: "You're illiterate."

BluEG0pher 0

what #3 said. please defend your self!

graciegirl 0

#30: i really hope they're women. I don't know how i feel about men in animal prints.. and did you happen to get your user name from mr selvig's history class? just a wild guess...

xoLoveox 0


#4, nice. F* your roomie's life for wearing a zebra print t-shirt, though... lol.

CPTobvious_fml 0

You should be mad at your roommate for looking like a zebra! HA.... this is the funniest post I've seen in a couple of days.

thats not so ba...oh...your the gorilla...ahha yeah fyl

s4ucy_ 0

Oy, sounds like the typical frat boys that go to my school. shit heads.

ShelbyG 0

AHAHAHA. Favoritedd. Mean and Retarted? Yess. Hillarious? Also Yes.... If It was me I'd prolly be psycho mad, or sobbing like crazy....Either way I'd kick some ass!