By luckycharmed - 17/06/2014 17:34 - United States

Today, my roommate played a "prank" on me. He taped a length of clear cellophane at ankle-height just outside my bedroom door, causing me to trip and faceplant the floor, and busting out a tooth. I now look like a hick, and my roommate is refusing to cover my dental bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 769
You deserved it 4 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is one of the cases I think suing is warranted. Creating a tripping hazard is not a prank. He's lucky it wasn't more serious.

Lebeaugars95 20

A tooth for a tooth, prank her back OP


You're roommate is an asshole. You should hit him.

Get even. It's the only way to settle it

Knock his/her fuggin teeth out.....then you're square

Since you live in the states depending in which one you live this counts as assualt/battery, you can get there ass arrested. that's close to a year in prison! criminal justice degree here

You may want to take another look at your definitions. This is neither assault nor battery. You can't claim a threat of bodily harm since nobody could predict this result would occur and you can't claim use of force. There was also no direct intent to inflict harm. The prankster can be sued to cover the bills though, but the court can decide either way. The judge usually reviews in what way the result could have been avoided by the prankster.

LiLMAMA0523 35

Sadly situations like this usually don't end well. Hopefully your roommate wises up & agrees to pay.

Well have let the prank war begin. If you get a good one on him he should pay eventually

Hey now you can say you got in a fight or something.

tweek12 2

That's horrible. I recently lost one of my front teeth for something stupid too. It's been a painful and sad process I've been having to go through. If I were you I'd sue

tehdarkness 21

You ought to learn how to break your fall. It will help a lot in these situations.

here's what you do........... beat his ass bloody. problem solved.