By luckycharmed - 17/06/2014 17:34 - United States

Today, my roommate played a "prank" on me. He taped a length of clear cellophane at ankle-height just outside my bedroom door, causing me to trip and faceplant the floor, and busting out a tooth. I now look like a hick, and my roommate is refusing to cover my dental bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 769
You deserved it 4 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is one of the cases I think suing is warranted. Creating a tripping hazard is not a prank. He's lucky it wasn't more serious.

Lebeaugars95 20

A tooth for a tooth, prank her back OP


rocker_chick23 27

If my roommate ever did.that and refused to pay the bill, I would kick him out. Tell him he needs to pay or he is gone.

He wouldn't have slept peacefully again if he was my roommate. Get him back good OP.

Your room-mate sucks you may be able to sue him for the money though

How could you not resist the floor with your hands? You face planted! That rarely happens! I would say that the Flatmate should cover SOME of the bills. Dentist bills are expensive. I would have thought OP has insurance??

Not every employer offers dental coverage. For some it's too expensive.

Yes but we aren't talking about employers. In nz where I'm from, it's more common to get personal insurance. It's also partially government funded.

But OP is from the US. Private dental insurance can be expensive and is not subsidized by the government. Many people have dental insurance plans through their employers, but not all employers offer dental, so it wouldn't be unrealistic or unusual for OP not to have insurance.

No, the roommate should cover ALL of the bills. This entire situation wouldn't have happened, if not for a series of stupid decisions and actions taken by the roommate. If the OP was holding something, or even just walking into her room like she normally does, she might not have had time to react because there was no plausible reason for her to think that she might trip. The fault lies fully on the roommate. His bad choices caused physical harm to the OP, and the fact that he refuses to own up to his mistakes, doesn't negate the fact that HIS mistakes caused her to lose a tooth. Therefore, he alone is solely responsible for paying for OP's medical bills. If i were the OP, I'd try to talk to him about it again, and if he continued to refuse to pay the full cost of any bills from an injury that resulted because of HIS negligence, I would sue to recover the costs of any medical expenses.

Couldn't you sue your roommate so he would absolutely have to pay for your bill?

don't sue, not worth it. ask / tell him to leave. I've broken quite a few teeth, usually cost less than 500 to repair.

$500 OP may not have which she would if the roommate gets taken to court

Depending where OP lives , it can cost up to $1500 here in California. So yeah, it is worth it.

Doing what your roommate did is a criminal offense. You should call the police (don't use the emergency number) and press charges. Negotiating a payment for both your tooth and your experienced discomfort can come later.

Pansies like you are exactly what's wrong with the world today, your parents failed miserably

askullnamedbilly 33

That's why I ******* hate pranks. Most people's idea of a prank seems to revolve around destruction of property, scaring the living hell out of people or causing either emotional or actual physical harm. As long as you film it and put it on Youtube, you're apparently not responsible for your own shitty actions.

Axel5238 29

Agreed pranks should be getting someone to believe something they shouldn't ( like the show scare tactics) or stuff that's harmless. The stuff on you tube is horrible, the people that buttered the floor and the other greasing the stairs. What would they say had their friend been seriously injured? Those people that do that say the person being pranked need to get a sense of humor. Kinda hard to find funny when I could've required an ER visit.

what about the one where this person hid inside a compartment in an elevator and would have the lights go out and then jump out and scare the people, in the elevator, to death??

ViviMage 39

Sue your roommate or his homeowners insurance for the hazard