By meh beard - 18/01/2016 23:42 - Canada - Bowmanville

Today, my roommate thought it was a good idea to set my beard on fire to wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 539
You deserved it 1 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Goodness gracious great balls of fire! But seriously, get a new roommate.

At least you can stay warm in the Canadian winter, now! On a more serious note, hopefully you didn't end up badly burned and I hope he apologized to you!


ananicosia 28

It would be a good idea to find a new roommate

That's a low blow unworthy of a roommate. Get rid of it STAT. Monkeys are better behaved.

stangbang92 17

I think you would more issues than just a prank if your roommate undresses you while you sleep.

TweetAnne 13

What happened to the good old bucket of cold water?

That's really hilarious but also very dangerous, I only say this because my friend once lit my hair on fire. I was furious at first but I did find it funny after. Your roommate might not be all that bad though he needs to know what is funny and what is not.

You know what they say. Give a man a match he'll be warm for the night. Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. Or was that fish?

u wake him up by splashing ice cold water at his JUNK.

Break his damn nose. He could have permanently disfigured your face. ******* moron.

Wow. What a bad room mate! Do you have a lock on your door? If you do, you should lock it from now on. Unfortunately this seems to be the logical way to react.