By youredisgusting - 03/10/2014 07:00 - United States - Merced

Today, my roommate yelled at me yet again for using the dishwasher because it's "unsanitary." This is all while a mountain of her dishes were going mouldy in the sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 060
You deserved it 2 728

Same thing different taste


Wash your own dishes and keep them in your room. If she wants to complain then ignore her, she'll soon change her attitude when she realises she needs clean dishes.

Your roommate sounds like a twat. Tell 'em it's none of their business how you do your dishes, and to wash their damn mould-pile once they've shut up.

Wash & dry the dishes and keep them hidden in your room. Tell her you've thrown them all out in the trash and buy her a months worth of paper dishes from a discount shop & hand them to her saying, "Now you won't have to wash up!' Then when all her dishes are used and she bitches that she has none, simply turn around and say, "Well, you wouldn't have this problem if you had washed, dried and put away your dishes after you used them. You chose to leave them in the sink, to the point where the mould evolved and the dishes were ready to walk out the door by themselves." Give her the dishes back. If she has learnt her lesson, no more of her dirty dishes. If not, chuck them for real and say stiff shit! Why should you live in a hazmat zone because she's too lazy to pull her finger outta her arse and do her dirty bloody dishes?

AdmiralBender 9

I've had to deal with these sorts of people before. I lived in a house with 4 other guys who spent about 90% of their time getting high. As I'm sure you know, people eat when they get high. They'd leave the kitchen in a mess and because I would work about 13 hours a day, I could never find the time to tidy up. There would occasionally be there for over a week and a half before something got done, and that was because I stayed up for several hours cleaning the place while they were all blazed outta their ******* minds on the couch and had no idea what was happening. It ******* sucks, man. I feel for ya.

Oh the irony! Dishwashers actually heat up the water to a near boil to kill off any germs reefer sanitizing the dishes.

There's no 'u' in 'moldy', and no winning with those people.