By ididn'tevendoanythingwrong - 10/02/2015 18:05 - United States - Tampa

Today, my roommates told me they want me to move out of our apartment. We would have never gotten the apartment without my credit score, and most of the furniture is mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 096
You deserved it 2 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chillandfun 12

Take all the furniture with you. If it's yours than there's nothing they can do. After that they'll regret asking you to move out.


Leave, and take everything you own with you.

1D_girl99 14

I would literally take every single item in the apartment that's mine and leave. If they try to argue that the furniture is theirs, show them the receipt, and if you don't have that show them your bank records. Then they can't argue and their left with nothing.

If your credit was needed it means you are on the lease there's nothing they can do.

jentrynicole 20

I guess they're going to have a lot less furniture. That really sucks though, OP.

They will eventually realize how much they need you. Just take what is yours and don't look back, or kick them out on their sorry butts. See how they feel after that!

so move out, take the damn furniture and leave them on their asses lol

You should tell them that of they want you out, they have to FIRST renegotiate the lease to not include you. In the unlikely event that that, by itself, doesn't make them realize what a bad idea it is, insist you take ask the furniture that's actually yours when you go.

brendejafulable 41

move out and take all of your shit.

sahmnc420 13

I'd be informing landlord and making arrangements possibly with an attorney if there would be a reason why u can't get ur stuff. Call judge Judy!