By Anonymous - 30/05/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, my second roommate in less then a week got a DUI. Both roommates are demanding that I drive them around for free until they get their licenses back, or else they won't have the funds to pay their rent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 978
You deserved it 3 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doyers11 0

when they ask for a ride, give them the bus routes and schedules

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

Ass, Gas, or Grass- Nobody Rides for Free :D


there is an obvious solution here. so do it, or ydi.

chichi2214 0

don't let them ride for free then :/

chichi2214 0

don't let them ride for free then :/

ckyorelse 18

OP you're in Iowa. If you have roommates, most likely you are in college, which means you are in one of a few major metro areas. there are always new roommates to be had, and nothing is really that far that they can't walk or take the bus.

So... They could pay rent while wasting gas to go out, get drunk, and waste more gas to go back home, but they won't be able to pay rent if they're just paying OP gas money?

Walking everywhere was free last I heard. tell them that!

laurel415 6

then tell them they well be evicted and be homeless and ride-less.

be like "I ain't got no money for gas either!"