By married - 16/10/2010 12:31 - United States

Today, my sister and I were both on Facebook, updating our statuses. I set mine to "just got released from hospital with Baby Lily", as I'd had a baby earlier this week. My sister set hers to "menstrual blood smells like shrimp". Her status got 37 likes. Mine got none. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 557
You deserved it 7 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Detail what afterbirth smells like on your next status. Try to outdo her.


xBIG_Dx 0

i bet your sisters dtf haha syke thats nasty

the crazier the comments on FB, the more likely your friends would notice it

you had a baby and you went on facebook the first day you got home? you are gonna be a kick-ass mother! yay you!

Wah wah wah. Grow up, you're a mother now.

TheSofaKing 7

Congrats on the baby. Now it is time to grow up. You have more important things to worry about than how many likes you get on your Facebook page. Since your friends and family liked the smell of your sisters period much more than your baby, your are either a real bitch or your friends and family are royally ****** up. Your sister posts the smell of her menstal blood and 37 of your friends and family "like" that, your friends and family are royally ****** up. You need to raise your child away from these ****** up people.

lickme89 3

That'd just nasty IN MY CLEVELAND VOICE

UpYoursLiar 1

Welcome to Facebook...the new Myspace. Where the average person has almost 200 friends, most all of whom aren't even close to being real friends. Unless you're a complete loser who adds every person you meet you're never going to have a lot of comments/likes to your posts.