By married - 16/10/2010 12:31 - United States

Today, my sister and I were both on Facebook, updating our statuses. I set mine to "just got released from hospital with Baby Lily", as I'd had a baby earlier this week. My sister set hers to "menstrual blood smells like shrimp". Her status got 37 likes. Mine got none. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 552
You deserved it 7 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Detail what afterbirth smells like on your next status. Try to outdo her.


I would like your sisters status more lol

sarahkhan93 4

she's not obsessed with getting facebook "likes". she just thinks that it's f*cked up that people care more about the menstrual blood then the fact that after nine months and labor, she is finally comming home with her baby.

oh yeah! The world is over and ur pathetic life is meaningless just because people didnt "like" your FACEBOOK status. I think it's best time for you to go outside

pster03 0

Who cares!! It's just facebook. if you care that much about facebook than you should get a life

who cares? its facebook. not your life

YDI for being a self centered bitch who cares more about people liking your facebook status then your baby. Maybe that's why no one liked your status dumb ****.

UpYoursLiar 1

Awwww, someone only has 2 friends on Facebook. And they're both probably just fan pages.

it's because people only care about pointless shite.

YDI for letting a WEBSITE, which is NOT REAL LIFE, but THE INTERNET.... govern your emotions. Heaven FORBID that someone liked someone else's status on FACEBOOK. How WILL you cope? Is your baby healthy? Are you healthy? GET OVER IT.