By married - 16/10/2010 12:31 - United States

Today, my sister and I were both on Facebook, updating our statuses. I set mine to "just got released from hospital with Baby Lily", as I'd had a baby earlier this week. My sister set hers to "menstrual blood smells like shrimp". Her status got 37 likes. Mine got none. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 552
You deserved it 7 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Detail what afterbirth smells like on your next status. Try to outdo her.


prefer laughing then knowing that u got a baby!!!!

Aww... that sucks. TMI to your sister though.

naww :( people are so immature these days...

Oh nasty man ha ha ha id be so pissed if this were me

r0ck_this 0

having a baby is not a trend that needs to be judged on facebook. YDI for being immature and comparing the two statuses. grow up and stop reproducing.

etfordie16 1

I'm supremely clever and I rarely get any "likes" on facebook, who cares