By Anonymous - 01/08/2012 05:51 - United States - Colorado Springs
Same thing different taste
By uglyswimmer - 23/04/2009 01:58 - United States
By Shantoya - 17/01/2009 19:49 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/03/2009 04:41 - United States
By creeped out - 12/06/2012 18:28 - United States - Smithtown
By ellarose - 10/04/2009 18:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/01/2015 21:40 - United States - De Forest
By Anonymous - 17/09/2014 11:46 - United States - Gaffney
By Anonymous - 15/09/2012 16:11 - United States - Olathe
By Alexa23 - 15/03/2009 15:47 - United States
By Noname - 18/02/2009 02:52 - United States
Top comments
No, because what if, stay with me here, what if michael phelps grows a mustache? Problem unsolved.
Damn it man, you aren't factoring in the pedo to phelps equation + giant head + wind speed to get, pedo phelps.
What if, stay with me here, her brother bulked up to the size of Michael Phelps, grew his muscles, and won 19 gold medals. Then y'all could have an epic three way.
8 - just look up on google images Phelps with pedo mustache. He already did. Your post does not make sense
No that would mean number 1 doesn't make any sense.
38 - #1 means that OP won't find his brother attractive anymore
*her brother
Actually it is normal to be attracted to someone that looks familiar to you. Psychology.
83, it's true. I'm only attracted to people who are as beautiful as me, probably why I'm single... *sigh*
It takes proximity, familiarity, and similarity for someone to like you. 110 once you find someone with two of those qualities you have found the one, but then again there are exceptions to the rules. Its funny how we can be attracted to people who look like us or our family members. Its those qualities that we are use to.
110- girl look at that body! (thanks lmfao for a good response to sighs)
Fortunately for you, how much someone looks like someone else is completely subjective. People tell me that my daughter looks just like me, though I don't see it at all. Don't worry about it, and just keep on fantasising about your brother. Er, I mean about Michael Phelps.
And keep remembering how he, a pot smoker has won more Olympic medals than anyone in history.
No 45, phelps just broke the record with 19.
Drifter - She looked exactly like I did when we were both newborn. That (combined with the fact that I love and trust my wife) has eliminated any concern from my mind. I don't need any reassurance.
45 - i was going to ignore it the first time but you did it twice, it's spelled MEDALS
50: Didn't he break the record for most gold medals? I believe someone else holds the record for most medals.
No anymore Phelps with the help of his team mates just won the 200m free relay for his 19th gold medal.
randomname0151 - He's held the record for most gold medals since the 2008 Olympics, but he just broke the record for all medals with 19. By the way, I'm very proud of everyone for not feeding the troll. I could cry. *sniff*
Oops I need to get my facts straight doc.
41, absolutely nothing. That's the point.
Hell ****** yea he has
Don't worry OP, people tell me that my brother looks like Justin Timberlake.
64: Bronze, silver, gold; medals to metals is an easy mistake to make. I say we give #45 the Olympic brass medal for participation!
You're right about that, Doc. People always tell me my daughter looks like me when we're out together. When she's out with her dad, he gets told she looks like him. I suppose people just focus on the similar features and ignore the dissimilar ones.
Well it was never gonna happen anyway so isn't it good that yewr not looking at hym that way
"yewr" and "hym"... Really? I don't get why you couldn't just spell the word normally- it's exactly the same number of letters.. -.-
Don't forget *gonna*.
Lol and guess what else? It says she's 13!
I tried deciphering your comment and it still made no sense.
Well it was never gonna happen anyway so isn't it good that yewr not looking at hym that way
You're going to tell me that you've never thought that a celebrity was attractive and wished that you could be with them? I doubt she actually thought/thinks she'll date him some day, but it's fun to fantasise once in awhile. Have a little fun.
Heyy, leave her alone 1) she's on the iPhone app sometimes they post twice for some reason . 2)I've never fantasized about a famous guy so you can stick that in your juice box and shove it .
29- Are you saying you've never crushed on a celebrity? But it is true that the app will sometimes double posts. I've seen it happen to other people who use the app.
94) yes really . Stfu =) And 51) that is exactly what I am saying, i find it exceptionally stupid to be "crushing" on a celebrity because you dont KNOW them, so how can like them ? You think you like them just because they are cute ? That's BS .
You don't know that
Phelps awesomeness does not come from how many medals he has. The fact that he eats around 10000 calories a day and still has that sixpack is the main reason of his awesomeness.
15 gold medals*
Incest, something the whole family can do!
Draw sharpie all over your brothers face at night, problem solved?
Sharpie washes off, problem unsolved.
No but food colouring in super glue doesn't lol it may fade, but good luck getting that shit off! Lol
Person with good coloring on his face goes into the woods, he appears to be food to a bear, person gets ate, no more person. Final solution^
G in good = f
For some reason, my brain associates "butter face" with Butters from south park.
Oh snap!
I really don't find him all that attractive.. Sure, he's got a nice swimmer's body, but he's not really good looking in my opinion.
I only like watching Phelps as he competes in the backstroke races. Those underwater hip thrusts are definitely a transferrable soft skill. Forget yoga and keep your ribs! Backstrokes are where it's at! ...what was this FML about again?
I bet she said that on purpose just to make you feel weird.

Fortunately for you, how much someone looks like someone else is completely subjective. People tell me that my daughter looks just like me, though I don't see it at all. Don't worry about it, and just keep on fantasising about your brother. Er, I mean about Michael Phelps.
That may be true. But your brother probably isn't as bad ass as Phelps.