By fuck you, tasha - 24/08/2014 21:50 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, my sister felt guilty and told me about the changes she secretly made to my résumé months ago. She'd put "doing your mom" and "corporate espionage" as my hobbies, and "Justin Bieber's pussy waxer" as a previous job. No wonder I'm still unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 269
You deserved it 8 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christina3466 17

Maybe Justin Bieber will hire you.


Time to put "spend six months in a body cast" on her resume

msnique1 5

I would've probably had to choke her out

CommanderWoof 10

I am sorry, but YDI. There is no excuse for not proof-reading/merely checking your resume before sending it to each employer.

globalgirly33 2

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that "attention to detail" wasn't in your highlighted skillset...

I have a sister, we do pranks like this on each other and our parents all the time, even now, living out of home. I love that cheeky quality in people. Hope you didn't miss out on a job you really wanted, but honestly if you want something that bad YDI for not double checking and editing your own resume before sending.