By fuck you, tasha - 24/08/2014 21:50 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, my sister felt guilty and told me about the changes she secretly made to my résumé months ago. She'd put "doing your mom" and "corporate espionage" as my hobbies, and "Justin Bieber's pussy waxer" as a previous job. No wonder I'm still unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 269
You deserved it 8 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christina3466 17

Maybe Justin Bieber will hire you.


I've had many people trust me enough to write, add to and proofread their resumes. Not once did it occur to me to add anything stupid to it in the hopes of getting a laugh out of them. Obviously, your sister has some growing up to do if she thinks hindering your chances at getting a job is hilarious. Sorry about that, OP.

that really sucks, but I laughed just a bit haha. whoops

I really hope you didn't have 'Attention to detail' as one of your strengths.

YDI for not checking and proofreading your résumé before sending it out to people.

Pay back will be a bitch. A cold bitch.

That really sucks. I'm so sorry she was immature enough to do that, OP, but I just say, that's why I always try to update my resume every few months! And always proofread it before applying somewhere. But still, FYL.

You didn't read your resume before submitting it..

no offense OP but any smart person would read over the resume before even handing one out.

YDI completely and totally. You should be re-reading your resume before you submit it to a new employer