By Alice99 - 12/11/2013 17:39 - United States - Bothell

Today, my sister introduced our parents to her new boyfriend. He's my boyfriend, and he told me he was going to be out of state for a few weeks on business. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 002
You deserved it 4 023

Alice99_fml tells us more.

I feel like my post didn't have enough information. No, my sister did not know we were together. I had not introduced him to my family yet. Yes, I did break up with him. No, I did not feel bad about it. Yes, my sister ended it with him after I told her what was going on.


In Texas we would have shot him. In Alabama, it would have been the brother.

this is by far the funniest comment ive read today. and I went through hundreds!

So what you mean to say is, he's my ex boyfriend now. You don't need guys that treat you like that, you can find someone so much better :)

If he claims he's going to be "out of state" and uses that as an excuse to cheat on you, then he should have at least done so OUT OF STATE. How he thought this would even work is beyond me.....

I gotta hear the story behind this FML. haha

think this way OP, if you have his kid, and your sister has his kid, they would be half brothers cousins, that sounds so cool its almost worth the effort

Glad you girls ended it with him! He doesn't deserve you or your sister! You'll both find the perfect guy someday, like I always say, there's someone out there for everyone!

sarahbevan20 11

I think that maybe he thought it would be funny to see the sisters fight over him or ruin their relationship so he can have either one all to himself... =guy logic