By Alice99 - 12/11/2013 17:39 - United States - Bothell

Today, my sister introduced our parents to her new boyfriend. He's my boyfriend, and he told me he was going to be out of state for a few weeks on business. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 002
You deserved it 4 023

Alice99_fml tells us more.

I feel like my post didn't have enough information. No, my sister did not know we were together. I had not introduced him to my family yet. Yes, I did break up with him. No, I did not feel bad about it. Yes, my sister ended it with him after I told her what was going on.


I've dated sisters before...but never at the same time...this sounds like a train wreck (and it ended badly so don't do it.).

He must be one cocky douce bag to think he could've pulled that off. If I was Dad in this situation, the taste would have definitely been smacked outta dude's mouth. Hard.

Wow that's really messed up I'm sorry I hope you and your sister find someone who treat you guys better :(

I really want to know what happened with this one.. sorry OP

What a cuntpancake, he needs to have some shame and needs to go die in a hole with all cheaters, your sister hopefully did not know, if she did, she is a bitch and I hope she got bitch smacked

Wow! Looks like you need to tell your sister about this... Dr Phil?

Evilscorpion891 3

I would just laugh and tell your sister about his "few weeks on business" comment. Let her know he's just banging her out for a few weeks and that she means nothing to him. That smarmy smile on her face will evaporate hella quickly. Then id let your parents know just who the guy is. Your sis and this guy both have a lack of respect for you

The sister might not have known. Especially if op and her were not that close, or just living separately. We'd need a bit more info to condemn the sister... but we definitely have enough info to call the (ex)boyfriend a complete douche!

I need more detail. Did your sis know your boyfriend before? If she was in on it, shame on her. If she just happened to be the one your bf was cheating with, both of your lives suck

This guy would make a great new meme titled, Being a player, you're doing it wrong.

He might not have known they were sisters. They could be stepsisters or half sisters: different father, different family name. Especially if op doesn't live with her parents and never brought him to their house.