By daRN - 02/07/2009 19:34 - Bahrain

Today, my sister just had a huge fight with my mom. After that, she thought it was appropriate to smash my $1,000 guitar to "blow off some steam." FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 121
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Curtieeeez 0

Unlucky, if you ask me. Beat her with the broken guitar.

man, as a fellow guitar player, I feel for you on this. That's bullshit. Hearing a guitar thats worth so much go and get smashed just cause she has a temper tantrum, it's ****** up. I suggest beating her ass till she pays for another identical or vintage guitar or you break her shit till it adds up to a grand.


then I would pick up her tv or something similar and smack her overcthr head with it. and if not kick her in the nuts for being a disrespectful bitcj

smirfluv92 0

I would have beat the shit outta my sister!!!

strangle her with 1 of the strings to let off some steam :D

relentlesswalrus 0

if i were you i would torture her and then make her buy me a new one with all the money she made by "voluntarily" selling everything she owned and then giving said money to me. then i'd sell her soul over e bay so i wouldn't have o see her ever again

I don't get how this fml is a ydi becauuse there is nothing that he deserved to get it wrecked why why why does he deserve this?

ino its harsh, some people prob jsut click ydi to be nobs :P

batmanloveralice 4

wow that's pretty lame of her ... my brother would beat the living crap out of me for putting a lil scratch on his guitar damm that really sucks 1000 dollars down the drain

lgriffin86 0

pretty sure my mother would be replacing my guitar!! your mom wouldn't like if you took a baseball bay to her car just to "blow off some steam" now would she?

steal $1000 of her stuff, pawn it, and tell her to **** off. Then make sure you stay on the paranoid side by thinking she'll do something else and protect your stuff.

Blackmail111 9

next time do the opposite have a small fight with your dad and smash her for fun cause she is worth nothing:)