By daRN - 02/07/2009 19:34 - Bahrain

Today, my sister just had a huge fight with my mom. After that, she thought it was appropriate to smash my $1,000 guitar to "blow off some steam." FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 115
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Curtieeeez 0

Unlucky, if you ask me. Beat her with the broken guitar.

man, as a fellow guitar player, I feel for you on this. That's bullshit. Hearing a guitar thats worth so much go and get smashed just cause she has a temper tantrum, it's ****** up. I suggest beating her ass till she pays for another identical or vintage guitar or you break her shit till it adds up to a grand.


She sounds like a bitch. Make her pay for it.

oogyboogy 6

When I was little my sister melted and boiled my Lego set worth 300 dollars

lifeislife_fml 0
1nicent1 0

This is a great FML!! Better than all the other garbage FMLs hah!! FYL

JoeBlandon 0
hellogoodbyexo09 0

Dude, if I were yu,I would beat hte living shit outta her.Then make her or your mom buy a new one for you :). Have fun.

I would throw her out the goddam window but guys she just cant get them a new guitar guitars have more sentsmental valu than $$ value N bull crap no way squires sound better n even if they do they cant hold a tune worth a crap

Make her buy you a new one. That's just a bit far.

First demand she pay you back, if she doesn't get your parents to make her, if she can't make the payment move on to step 2. STEP 2: Plant crack on her and call the police, she will do a lot of jail time. If that's too harsh then plant weed/ tell parents, or shit on her pillow.