By Realworldred - 18/06/2015 03:50 - United States - Scranton

Today, my sister started a full-time job with a good pay despite having no prior work experience and being a college freshman. Meanwhile, I've graduated with two degrees, have been working two jobs for the last five years, and still can't get a full-time position anywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 845
You deserved it 3 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should have thought of this possibility before pursuing a degree in English. Kidding, English majors. Just kidding. Not really.

There's always becoming a professional FML poster.


don't give up OP, sometimes companies look for specific traits. you'll get a great job soon!

I agree with your statement her sister sounds hot

She sounds hot because she got a full time job? That makes sense.

He's probably saying she's hot because she's a college freshman, which makes the comment make more sense and makes it more creepy.

I think he was saying the specific trait they were looking for is hotness, and the sister got hired because she is hotter.

There's always becoming a professional FML poster.

That was a bad joke, good luck in life OP!

jdibartolo1 12

it's just the way the world works now

You may not get paid, but the recognition you get would be pretty awesome. Plus, you may even get a badge or two. ;)

Qwermy 16

I knew DocBastard had a second job to pay for med school loans...

Agree with this totally. If you're willing to get your hands dirty, there are always good paying jobs around for tradesmen. My boyfriend is an ironworker, and was invited to do a talk at his old high school to inform the students that there is more than just university for post-secondary education. The teacher asked him how much he made a year, he said triple what you make. If you're willing to work, $150,000/year salary is not out of the question.

#32 his reply to the teacher is awesome, and on another note I'm a laborer and I'm 23 years old making amazing money yes I've had to go to school for it but I don't pay for it out of pocket and I have awesome benefits.

Depends on what you're interested in, I wouldn't go down the trade route because my chosen career requires a degree and I prioritise interest in my job over money. I'm lucky I got to go to university, I wouldn't go there just for the sake of it but I value my time there.

For sure, #68. Passion for what you do should be more important than your salary; unfortunately, money, not love, makes the world go 'round. If you're able to pursue your passion while making ends meet, you are fortunate in this day and economy. In OP's case, it seems as if her career path is a more of a dead end, if there are no available jobs, and sounds like money is a factor as well. Sadly, sacrifices sometimes have to be made if you want a roof over your head and food in your stomach. Education in your area of interest does not guarantee a job. But there is a way to live if you're willing to work. Trades being one of those options.

You can still make money from jobs that require a degree though (the accountants and scientists I know are), just not enough to ensure bragging about your salary when you're still in your 20s. In a few years OP might be glad she slogged through with 2 jobs to get one she wants.

What blows my mind is the philosophy majors that don't want to teach... It's hard to get paid to sit around and think about the world. I've also seen a rise in people saying "degree(s)" and meaning associate, not bachelors. While technically accurate, unless your associate degree was part of learning a trade, eg paramedic, no one gives a shit. It's barely better than a high school diploma. I agree whole heartedly though... Trades are good way to go. It's unfortunate that we as a society look down on blue collar jobs and people that aren't college educated. We need plumbers, electricians, pilots (not quite blue collar, but still a trade), welders, etc. There's good money there and tons of jobs. Many of those types of people are self made millionaires.

fpants2010 18

My boyfriend went to trade school for HVAC, while I went for a bachelors degree in accounting. He makes way more money than me and is not indebted to Sallie Mae for another 20 years. I wish I went for a trade.

Maybe you should have thought of this possibility before pursuing a degree in English. Kidding, English majors. Just kidding. Not really.

Shadowvoid 33

Doc is kind of right, some of the smartest people I knew chose English degrees and so they are now low paid school teachers...

Not everyone goes into a major thinking of money. Sometimes it's solely because you love the subject. Besides, if everyone decided to go for a "money-making" degree, the market would be flooded and you would still have a large number of qualified unemployed people. Diversity fills niches.

Ted_brosby 4

Second degree is probably a philosophy degree

If they go into a major for passion they shouldn't whine about not having money. If they happen to love something that will make them money they're going to make a lot of money because they have passion for it.

Yes, the stereotypical joke involves unemployed English majors yet the job field can be rough for math, business and history majors unless they have grad/prof degrees(or intend to teach).We can't all be medical doctors. My undergrad degree is in English Lit, but my grad degree is in a STEM field.

In short, a person can be unemployed in any field if they don't play their cards right.

It's different in the states obviously, but here in Canada, a teacher is a great job! They make anywhere between $44,000-$71,000 with the average around $60,000 a year (Canadian dollars). They have incredible benefits, summers off, and a pension! Not only that, but they also have the opportunity to work part time if life requires (like a stay at home mom who wants to work part time, or an elder who doesn't want to fully retire) by being a substitute. And they also have the opportunity to work in another country for a year just for the travelling opportunity. My friend is 26 and she's already worked for a year in China, and a year in London. I would love to be a teacher! Unfortunately I think the situation op is in is just because of the U.S. economy. And it doesn't really matter which field you're in, it sounds like they're are many people that have degrees in anything from Math to engineering to English, and this can still be the situation for many.

How do you know that she got a degree in English

Attacksloth 33

Nice sentence fragments, Doc.

You're obviously working hard op, keep trying! I'm sure your big moment will come sooner or later.

lexiieeex3 32

It also depends on OP's major. Different degrees are more difficult to find jobs for.

Shadowvoid 33

I hate to tell you this, but these days jobs are about knowing the right people more than having a degree.

Baustigt, when do you go on clearance? I've got $10.

Join some networking organizations, and bring your own calling cards.

This is really true. My mother's boyfriend is being passed up for a job despite someone who quit and came back(after a few months) getting an interview and being the only candidate who fulfills ALL of what they asked for. It's sad, but knowing the right people and asskissing are now the ways to get jobs or get higher in jobs.

I know this feeling, happening to me right now

MasterTron 24

Well all I can think of is did she graduate with a bachelors or an associates degree and in what field? Because there are companies or job positions where they want someone with who can be taught. Not all ways the case but that's what I've concluded from this situation.

fpants2010 18

Re-read the post. She's a freshman; hence no degree.

MasterTron 24
GoArmy6624 7

Did you get a degree in basket weaving?

If they did, I bet they didn't even go for the underwater basket weaving concentration. Ha, figures OP is jobless

social skills are very important...also sex appeal