By Anonymous - 04/03/2014 04:40 - United States - Riverview

Today, my sister told me about a website that explained why our stressed cat has been obsessively pulling out the fur on her legs. Interested, I asked for a link. Not just out of deep concern for the cat, but because I have the same problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 911
You deserved it 5 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

\ 28

There's also this strange condition called "trichotillomania" where people compulsively pick at their hair. Brought on by a variety of factors.


are you washing your knees as cats do? (excuse my mistakes svp, I'm not american)

Coeliacchic93 21
pitbull998 1

You know a lot of pets have been known to take on the traits of their owners. So if you have been stressed your cat is probably picking up on it.

I have trichotillomania too. You should get help before it's too late.

I have trich. I've had it for close to 6 years. It's not easy to break. I find that even occupying myself doesn't always help because it's become a subconscious thing. Seek help, I wish I would have.

A new form of waxing? I really hope you a a guy OP...but you probably got a flea or tick on you..

Oh, you need to be nice! I'm sure your cat does not like you pulling her fur out obsessively. Be kind to animals and then we can be friends!

I most certainly did. If the person who wrote this has the same problem, it means she obsessively pulls out fur. People don't have fur, they have hair. Since no other animals were mentioned, I assume it's the cat's fur getting pulled.

sounds like you have fleas! heh, now you van use your cats anti-fleas.