By Anonymous - 04/03/2014 04:40 - United States - Riverview

Today, my sister told me about a website that explained why our stressed cat has been obsessively pulling out the fur on her legs. Interested, I asked for a link. Not just out of deep concern for the cat, but because I have the same problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 911
You deserved it 5 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

\ 28

There's also this strange condition called "trichotillomania" where people compulsively pick at their hair. Brought on by a variety of factors.


acciofrenchhorn 16

Trichotillomania, I have it too OP :( look into treatment options!

If you have fur on your legs, there might be a bigger problem..

BDA_fml 5

If you have fur on your legs instead of hair, you should probably see a doctor. Or a vet.

For a second, I thought your FML was that you asked the cat for a link.

Tricotillomania. I myself suffer from it. Good luck to you OP

I have a similar problem where I obsessively pick at the skin on my fingers. I Have never seen a doctor for it, but thinking maybe I should. Good luck to you! Its not fun.

skipper2009 18

FML- the place you can have your problems diagnosed for free.

blairvic 23

Trichotillomania... I have it too, OP. It's like a mix of self harm and OCD. There are ways they try to fix it, but there's no definite way to cure it. Best of luck, I feel your pain.