By Anonymous - 04/03/2014 04:40 - United States - Riverview

Today, my sister told me about a website that explained why our stressed cat has been obsessively pulling out the fur on her legs. Interested, I asked for a link. Not just out of deep concern for the cat, but because I have the same problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 911
You deserved it 5 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

\ 28

There's also this strange condition called "trichotillomania" where people compulsively pick at their hair. Brought on by a variety of factors.


It really does sound like trichotillomania, I have it mildly compared to some sufferers. I know of people who have pulled out so much hair they have to wear wigs. It's on the same spectrum as self harm, and that sort of thing. Please do go to a doctor OP, there are treatments for this. Get well soon.

I think it might be a good idea to visit a vet.

You have trichotillomania, my friend. It is horrible, embarrassing and people often mistake it for "attention seeking" (even though no trickster I've ever known, including myself, has ever wanted the attention brought by self harm). Hopefully now that you know the name of your condition, you can find a way to learn how to control it! Be strong, you are not alone!

Not the same thing, moron. Sounds like you may suffer from trichotillomania. A website about cats will not help you.

quarks09 3

They're right, trichotillomania is pretty serious. You should talk to someone. And since You're probably not a cat, that should rather be a psychologist/therapist, not a website about cats. Good luck.

danielleg49 1

I have a degree in psych. It sounds like Trichotillomania too me. It's a compulsive disorder, which means that the person has the urge to pull hair from different parts of their body. This can be caused by an imbalanced in the brain chemistry or it could run in the family. A person with this disorder can go to cognitive behavioral therapy or be put on medication. It can be easily corrected. I am not a doctor or diagnosing you with Trichotillomania. However, I would see a doctor since this disorder (if you have it) can relate to others like OCD and anxiety.

JMichael 25

Most likely a lot of it is probably stress. You could find out the factor that's causing the stress as see if you can't cut that out of your life. Or seek professional help.

musicnole 8

OP, this is definitely trichotillomania, and I know this because I have it! Instead of biting my nails or twirling my hair, I pulled out my eyelashes for years. It's not unhealthy but it is a little strange, so I worked on stress management and "breaking the habit". I can now say after 13 years I have removed the habit. Therapy can help too! Hope you find the help you need!

I compulsively pull my eyelashes out, too. I'm going on six years. It's not a fun thing to go through.

I went back and forth with my brows, lashes and hair. I'll still do it sometimes, but now it's almost to the point where I don't have to fill in my brows anymore, eyelashes are back & hair is fine. I used to make excuses about why my lashes were gone though :/