By ready_set_go - 09/04/2009 01:14 - Canada

Today, my sister told my mother how she saw our neighbour's son at the movies with a girl and that they were kissing. My mother said that any girl willing to date someone so ugly must have self esteem issues and they laughed. I'm his girlfriend, my sister didn't recognize me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 008
You deserved it 4 782

ready_set_go tells us more.

Hey update for everyone: I decided "surprise" my mother and sister by inviting my new boyfriend over for dinner but didnt say who it was. When he came through the door and I introduced him as my boyfriend they stared shocked at me realizing that they had put their feet in their mouths. And just to add a little more salt to their wounds, I kissed him, smiled sweetly at him and asked my sister and mother "So, what do you think of him again? Im sure he would like to know if you approve." Needless to say they got the hint that not only do I not have low self esteem but I am VERY PROUD to be his girlfriend lol btw they havent talked crap about him since!

Top comments

your mom and sister are some gossipy bitches.

Lovebird: 1 Insensitive mother and sister: 0 Well done :D


maybe your sis knew and wanted you to confess?

People on FML act like they've never thought someone was hideous, fat, had bad skin or was otherwise unattractive and commented on it to a friend. Im not saying they should make obnoxious comments to the kids face but saying it in the privacy of their own home wasn't really hurting anyone. No, not everyone is conventionally attractive, and yes everyone is shallow to a certain degree, I don't see why everyone is resorting to name calling your mother and sister because of one comment they made.. It sucks that it was your boyfriend, but they stopped talking bad about him as soon as they realized that it would hurt you and you two were dating. Its good that you can see past whatever physical flaws your mother and sister apparently think he has, if he makes you happy.