By Rejected - 16/07/2011 13:28 - Australia

Today, my six year old son came up to me with his arms spread and said, "I feel like a hug." I got really excited and hopeful because he is very anti-social and hates physical contact. As soon as I stood up to hug him he said "Feeling's gone" and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 262
You deserved it 4 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I usually don't do this, but anti-social behaviour and avoidance of physical contact can be signs of autism. Now before anyone jumps on me, I'm not making any diagnosis here. I'm only saying they are signs that something deeper MAY be going on. Ok, now you may flame the shit out of me.

Awe you should have ran after him and gave him a bear hug anyways and a kiss on the cheek and be like "my feelings not gone kiddo!" :)


At first, I didn't register that the son was six, so all I pictured was a teenage boy, moping down the stairs with his arms out xD

Haha, your son is quite clever! Just because he's anti-social and hates physical contact does not mean those are signs of autism (which im not saying to just rule that out as a reason), he could just simply be an introvert. Seeing as we live in an extroverted world i can see why people would first think those are signs of autism. I myself am an introvert and i'm the same way! Introverts are highly sensitive to dopamine and are easily overstimulated and overwhelmed in social situations due to there long-term memories and not really enjoying physical contact and etc. Whereas extroverts have less dopamine which is why they love social gatherings due to there short-term memories they can easily strike up and continue a conversation and seek thrill. You should read more on introverts and extroverts as this could easily solve or rule out any differences in the way you, your son and anyone else sees him and any problems he is having. Hope i could help:)

I'm studying psychology and tbh, this sounds like a crap answer. What does dopamine have to do with being intro- or extraverted? Your explanation would imply that extravert people are ALL prone to drug abuse. Long- and short term memories don't have anything to do with it as either. You either like being around people, or you don't. If OP would wait a few more years and the kid still doesn't seem to connect emotionally, it wouldn't be that bad of an idea to test for psychopathy - you know, just to be sure. 20% of people with anti-social personalities (which would be about 4% of the population) are psychopaths. Autism isn't the first thing I'd think about. But #323... your explanation doesn't make sense at all. Remember that 'information' on the internet is often a lot of bullshit.

well wanting it isa step OP,seems like u have a really cute kid :3

Anti social and a fear of physical contact? Does he like to sit alone too? Sounds like the making of a serial killer...

you might want to check him for autism