By Anonymous - 07/11/2010 20:15 - Canada

Today, my sixteen year old son told me that he's following his guidance counselor's advice: to do what his hero does for a living. The problem? His hero is SpongeBob Squarepants. His ambition in life is to become a fry cook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 377
You deserved it 4 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he wants to be a chef. No harm in that...

badbe 0


juturnaamo 29

there are some quite successful fry cooks... If your son is OK with working afternoons and weekends (great if he's not a morning person) and doesn't need to spend a lot of money to be happy, than good for him, he should have a lot of fun as a fry cook. Might as wellmake wednesday niht burger night and let him practice.

banananut 0

"Steve, what would you like to be when you grow up?" "A SPONGE THAT FLIPS BURGERS!"

just think of it in the long term. Work at a fast food place as a cook, move up to management, own a store, open a company. Make tons of money. yeah he might be running a few fast food joints but he's keeping all the rich folk, that spent tons of money to go to school, fat and happy and yet they're still not appreciative.

I believe that is a perfectly acceptable ambition :P

EvilDave 13

Could be much worse. His hero could be Joe Buck from Midnight Cowboy. And, being a cook in a restaurant is not a bad gig when you are young. I started off doing that. Now, I am a highly paid IT worker. One can always change careers.

I love how people are saying that's a bad thing my father is a chef and he goes around the country opening Italian restaurants training other cooks/young chefs :D

You're equating burger flipping at Mickey Ds with being you know...a real chef? The first time I read this FML, I thought it said he was six so I was like "so what?" but if he's sixteen and worships Spongebob so much he wants to flip burgers, you may have a problem. But it could be worse. He could love King Of Queens.

Keerow 3

Okay, very seriously, what 16 year old boy worships Spongebob? That freaky yellow cube is gonna take over the world at this rate...