By Anonymous - 03/05/2009 17:46 - United States

Today, my soccer team got our warm up t-shirts that say "You can hit on us, but you can't score." After the game, a guy behind my friend asks, "Hey what does the front of your shirt say?" I replied for her, "You can hit on us." He looked at me and my friend and said, "No thanks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 153
You deserved it 11 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fatfaceunited 0

your shirt is basically denying him, so why should he hit on you?


thats what you get for wearing arrogant shirts

lolwhat_fml 0

why did he ask what's in the front of your shirt ? sorry, im slow xD

#1, shut the hell up. Some guys are purly assholes. That was really mean, but those shirts were really stupid.

tigerrr 0

hahaha those shirts are actually really funny. we had softball shirts that said "drive it like its stolen" and that guy was kind of a jerk, but why did you answer for your friend? maybe he was gonna hit on her, not you. something to think about...

If you wear a smart-ass shirt like that you have to be prepared for people to be smart-asses back.

fatfaceunited 0

your shirt is basically denying him, so why should he hit on you?

qwertyuiop8989 0

#13 you're probably fat and/or ugly yourself which is why you probably took offense to #1's comment about the OP either being fat or ugly.

bxrv43 0

YDI, for expecting everyone to hit on you, get over yourself.

IToldYouSo 0

Guys, it's not the OP's fault they were wearing the shirt. It was for soccer.