By Anonymous - 12/04/2012 04:18 - United States - Burnsville

Today, my son had to call me from his school's principal's office because he was disrupting his health class by laughing whenever the teacher said "Sex". My son is 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 354
You deserved it 4 243

Same thing different taste

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Teacher - "So class let's learn at safe sex beca..." OP - "HAHAHAHAHH he said sex!" Teacher - "I don't see how saying the word sex....." OP - "crying"

haha that's like a kid in my class:) then we play penis:) and he can't stop laughing://////


I don't think it's abnormal to laugh at sex when you're 16.... Teachers really need to ignore the giggling. A lot of people do so out of embarrassment.

I don't think you remember how it was to be 16... in the UK that's the legal age, you'd think people would be more mature...

That's not that bad! At least it means he isn't having sex at 16 etc (Well I assume)

E001mek 5

I'm 19 and the word carrot makes me laugh :)

TatyanaJanae 0

Not so bhad some kids laught wen they in 5 th

Today some kid in my health class asked if conjoined twins share the same penis and what would happen is one wants to have babes or jack off?