By omg - 25/03/2011 00:43 - Canada

By omg - 25/03/2011 00:43 - Canada
By Anonymous - 12/04/2012 04:18 - United States - Burnsville
By It was the 11 year old - 21/07/2012 08:00 - United States - Austin
By Laurel - 25/05/2013 04:37 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 05/05/2023 12:00
By a - 21/05/2009 19:18 - United Kingdom
By Jay - 04/11/2017 04:00
By Bad Mommy - 21/06/2012 05:40 - United States - Los Angeles
By Anonymous - 17/09/2014 21:57 - United States - Dewitt
By stressedmom36 - 13/08/2015 23:50 - United States - Tampa
By Anonymous - 13/03/2020 12:30
future pimp
his learning the ways of the world whilst his young. I wish someone taught me, I was my pimps bottom bitch for 5 years before I had the courage to leave. I now work for myself and have never been happier.
damn. pretty soon hes gonna start charging to let them suck on it. what have you been teaching the kid?
LMAOO this kid is hilarious, very entrepreneurial I see a bright future for this kid LOL
deuce bigalo? I love that song..
Yo kid da pimp. I see it in his future.
send him to church, he might bankrupt the priest
$10 says he gets someone pregnant at 10.
OP's kid is a genius
Well ge acts the part, now you have to start buying him the clothes
future *****, actually. one of those girls will eventually wise up and pimp-slap him if he doesn't give her a cut.
You're an idiot...are you really calling out an 8 y/o kid because he has a small penis?? That kid's doin more with what he's been given than you ever will. Pimpin from the womb!! This kid's dooope
# 68. Epic Win!!
ur son is tight
this kid should be the future president of the united states ... entrepreneurship at it's finest! and if he's not into politics at Least the next Ron Jeremy . either way , this kid is GOING PLACES
that kid is going places... mainly street corners... hey, male prostitution is a constant growing market... the kid could make serious cash out of it, and he obviously has the basics down.
15 hotter than ******* helllll holy shit!!!!!!!!!!
wtf are you, a bumblebee?
an who are you to be telling anybody they are a bad parent?!?!?!?! you aint nobody so why don't you just shut your hole!!!!!!
you are sexy and your cat is cute
exactly what I was thinking xD
I don't think you understand. This is a win-win, size issues or not. Apparently he has been versed in the "f*** hoes, get money" way of life.
A pimp would charge people to touch someone else. He is either a future **** star or stripper.
Are you stupid?
samee I completely agree!!
Wat a gigalo
he's not smart, he's sexually exploiting women already!! hope u get ur kid help before he ends up in jail
ya seriously its not the guys fault like every time I do anything with a girl thats a *couple years younger than me people are like "why would u exploit her like that?!?" well she a ho *couple can mean up to 7 years** **I'm almost sixteen
you've done crap with 8 year olds?! you sick bastard!
no 7yrs and up. but that's still very wrong
113 think before you speak such harsh threats
200 there are threats. this i a reality check! are so naive to think that what this boy is doing isn't serious. clear the fog and stop pretending this doesn't exist. if this mum doesn't get her boy help, he will end up in jail for some monstrous atrocity! he's only 8 and he already has a perverted view on sexuality! if can't see that you are but a dimwit!
* they aren't threats**
^ possible false accusations
Idiot doesn't even know how to spell or what s/he's talking about and yet she seems to call others a "dimwit". S/he also needs to learn how to start a damn sentence, not being a grammar Nazi but when people start a sentence with "are so naive" you have to point out the elementary school drop out.
haha that's one smart kid!!
hahahaha but seriously u get money and an ecrection for free it's a deal
The teacher probably got upset cause he raised the price on her
future male stripper at bachelorette parties?
I have to say that is the coolest little kid in the world. Getting girls to pay to touch his wee-wee... sounds like he learned what girls did all along, its special as long as people want to pay to get in/on.
i think that this is funny coming from someone whose screen name is "flutist." hehehe. ;) |the kid|
he he he
The question is how much did the kid make? Over 3 bucks? Give him detention. 15+ bucks? Give him a shot of vodka the kid be a man now!
******* win!! LOL.
good thinking
future pimp
So did the teacher get a discount?