By cjay2200 - 28/08/2011 21:25 - United Kingdom

Today, my son was eating a plum. I was busy in the kitchen, and he came running in saying "Mummy my plum is wet", I told him it was fine and bit a bit off to prove it. He looked at me and said "No Mummy! Can you wash it please, I dropped it in my potty". I feel ill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 171
You deserved it 9 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

At least he didn't flush it down because then you would have to call a plumber.


alliecat1876 2

I feel bad for you, OP. But that is kinda adorable :)

Iknoweverything 29

NEVER prove something to kids without asking why they have a problem with it. ESPECIALLY if their problem is that their food of choice is wet. And when in doubt about whether you should do something to calm your kid... read this website.

jamesli 0

I thought "Plum" meant his balls O.o

Well at least urine is sterile :/ other than that though, definitely a bummer

You deserved it for assuming it was ok without asking what happened to it.

Did you not think to ask what had happened to the plum before taking a bite out of it? Or are just that dumb of a human being?

i gagged while reading this, fyl op