By cjay2200 - 28/08/2011 21:25 - United Kingdom

Today, my son was eating a plum. I was busy in the kitchen, and he came running in saying "Mummy my plum is wet", I told him it was fine and bit a bit off to prove it. He looked at me and said "No Mummy! Can you wash it please, I dropped it in my potty". I feel ill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 176
You deserved it 9 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

At least he didn't flush it down because then you would have to call a plumber.


catnip1997 0

His plum is wet? What a potty mouth.

This is why parents should take the little but of time to freakin' listen to their kids.

Fruit is not shit but it can sometimes be a substitute for it.

catharsis5 9

All I could say is ew, and hopefully you get better.

PandaPandy 6

Why didn't you just wash it like the boy asked? Lol

PandaPandy 6

Oops. ^ fail. You should've asked why it was wet before taking a bite :3

After reading this, the first rule I'm establishing as a parents is: No plums when you're going to the bathroom. Better yet, no food whatsoever. Thank you OP, I'm now prepared for any future mishaps...and I hope you ran to the bathroom to brush your teeth and maybe mouthwash. FYL

qyka 5

And brush your tongue and throat and...

when I read "my plum is wet" I immediately thought of something dirty. I have a dirty mind =S

Nasty x) he should have told you he droped it in the toliet first

wriptidez 0

i guess u will laugh yrs ffrom now ...