By cjay2200 - 28/08/2011 21:25 - United Kingdom

Today, my son was eating a plum. I was busy in the kitchen, and he came running in saying "Mummy my plum is wet", I told him it was fine and bit a bit off to prove it. He looked at me and said "No Mummy! Can you wash it please, I dropped it in my potty". I feel ill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 171
You deserved it 9 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

At least he didn't flush it down because then you would have to call a plumber.


we don't care if your son is eating a plum

RainbowHeadache 2

YDI for not letting him finish telling you why it was wet but you have a decent kid if he doesn't eat pee plums. My little cousin licks things off the concrete & probably would have just eaten that plum without washing it, so I say your kid is off to a good start.

Well i have a similar story but they rejected mine and basically my son came to me with his drink bottle asking for a drink yes being the lazy biatch of a mum i am i shook it and said whats wrong with this and took a swig just as it passes my throat my son goes ewww mum thats my pee!!!!! UPSIDE apparently urine is good to keep away cancer......

aFatFuck 0

God dammit the FML moderators always shut down good discussions! Did you not want to see KaySL rip some new a holes?!? Just when it's getting good they shut it down, can a mod explain to me why, every site will have profanity, I just think seeing the arguments are interesting. Sorry, this was supposed to go on the previous FML but they shut it down :/

I laughed hard at "My plum is wet"..

Maybe next time trust your kid & just clean off the plum....

This FML is better when you read it with an English accent.

Well that sucks...i guess you should have listened ?