By parenting_failure - 20/03/2011 16:10 - France

Today, my son was on Facebook while he was supposed to be studying. He called me a liar and accused me of making up excuses to chew him out. How do I know he was online? He liked and commented on a video I posted. My son is a dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 099
You deserved it 8 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pwincessa23 1

yes but the fact that someone is stupid might not have anything to do with who raised them.


Post baby pictures on his wall then like it

Chipmunk1994 0

your children are an image of your own effort and calling your kid a dumbass is probably one of the reasons he doesn't want to come clean with you "smart"ass

Steeeve 0

Good parents let their kid know when the kid is being an idiot. Never saying so leads to the kid never learning.

megow05 0

WTF what type of son has their mom as a friend on facebook

momma_jess20 0

yup, indeed he is. sounds like my 18 yo brother.

1234USMC 0

punch him in the mouth for talking back.

jokerrose57 0