By parenting_failure - 20/03/2011 16:10 - France

Today, my son was on Facebook while he was supposed to be studying. He called me a liar and accused me of making up excuses to chew him out. How do I know he was online? He liked and commented on a video I posted. My son is a dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 093
You deserved it 8 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pwincessa23 1

yes but the fact that someone is stupid might not have anything to do with who raised them.


Cause its motherly to call ur son a dumbass.

you're a bitch for calling your son a dumbass. wow.

jimbob13 0

He gets it from YOUR side of the family

DespicableJenny 0

Maybe You Shouldn't Buy it In Thee First Place ?

DespicableJenny 0
thenumber23 0

you call your own son a dumbass!? YOU ARE SUCH A ******* BITCH!!! AND THIS ISN'T AN FML FAGGG!!!

How can parents be so stupid? Honestly, you think your child is going to study when there's better things to do? It's called take the things away that distract them.

smashu112 0