By Mr. Sniffles - 23/03/2015 15:43 - United States - Hamilton

Today, my teacher took my test along with another student's and gave us both a zero. Why? Because we both have colds so when we breathe through our nose it makes a sniffle noise. She thought we were using a secret code to communicate by sniffling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 236
You deserved it 2 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poppunkette 22

*sniffle sniffle sniffle sniffle sniffle* in code your teach is an idiot


Lol she's going to look so stupid in front of the head master

"BUT THEY WERE SNIFFLING! I had no choice but to fail them!!"

Alex_7759 13

I feel like the teacher is power crazy and was looking for a reason to take someone's text

Friend: "Sniff sniff" Op: Idk man, are u sure it's B?! .. "sniffle, sniff, snot drip, sniffle".

ajs1987 15

Your teacher is one sick, cold bitch, and that's nothing to sneeze at.

That's the silliest thing I've heard for a while. Was the test really so important that she accused you of cheating and gave you zeros?

It'll be funnier once she gives them the right grades!

RusticChick 27

That's a new one. Sorry for your luck, OP! And that you have a crazy teacher.. haha

You were accused of morris code cheating? Tell him it's snot true!!!!!!

I'm trying my best to thumb that down but I can't...

That's normal, you should have never sniffled. Your teacher was right by doing that. YDI for all the dumbasses out there *sarcasm*

Sarcasm will not work if you call others dumbasses. It's quite difficult to sense it in a written form, don't be too harsh on others. I love sarcasm, though.

I just wanted to clarify as many people believe in even the most outlandish opinions because some actually have them.