By Mr. Sniffles - 23/03/2015 15:43 - United States - Hamilton

Today, my teacher took my test along with another student's and gave us both a zero. Why? Because we both have colds so when we breathe through our nose it makes a sniffle noise. She thought we were using a secret code to communicate by sniffling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 236
You deserved it 2 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poppunkette 22

*sniffle sniffle sniffle sniffle sniffle* in code your teach is an idiot


Teachers should really stop thinking that every small thing is cheating

You wouldn't believe what some people will do for better scores. I saw someone once print out a Coca-Cola label and paste it on their soda before an exam. Only the nutrition facts section had been replaced with formulas. It was kind of impressive.

Go to the headteacher - there is no way that can stand - it is unreasonable.

#74 Ha, that's why bottled beverages were prohibited from all my HS exams!

I don't know why but I find the way this is worded so funny