By failure as a parent - 11/05/2013 21:19 - United States - Bound Brook

Today, my teenage daughter nearly burned down our house because she wanted to take "artsy" pictures with a lighter for Instagram. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 430
You deserved it 6 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The ashes of your home are already black and white, no filter needed!

Life_is_FML 22

You gotta do what you gotta do to be popular on the Internet Sucks that you had an idiot though.


^ Clearly a pyromaniac with a fear of ducks and duck-like beings.

who said the daughter was not doing a duck face the whole time?

Oh Lord... So this is what the world has come to...

Is your daughter by any chance Lila West?

Hey let her do it that's job security for me

Yeaaaaa nobody cares about them haha jk jk

I appreciate that! This job ain't easy and its hard on us at times but helpin ppl is my main goal. and that's why i love my job

Misswildsides 22

You were playing with a lighter and taking pictures while trying to cook? All for Instagram? Geez. I wish I was that good at multitasking.

Ya know, not all of this generation sucks. I really wish people would stop dismissing all teenagers in one fell swoop. It makes it really hard to get taken seriously at all when people assume my art, or worse, my thoughts and opinions aren't legitimate because of my age.

titibug823 11

Teenagers... tell her if she wants to be artsy, try an art class at school

Teenagers will do anything to be popular, I swear.