By Anonymous - 25/04/2014 21:21 - United States - Marlboro

Today, my teenage daughter tried to convince me that the UK is a part of Canada. After I pulled out a map to prove her wrong, she got all angry and defensive, and said that nobody's perfect at "geometry". My daughter is an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 193
You deserved it 11 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrownedMyFish 18

Idiots are not exclusive to America.


romeonsingcross 15

Canada is part of the UK, sort of. It's under the British monarch. The royals are involved in Canadian law making. Geographically though, nope not connected lol.

Maybe she's not the brightest, but calling her an idiot isn't going to change anything.

How could she confuse geometry with geography? Geometry is what a tree says when it sees itself in the mirror for the first time. Gee-ah'm-a-tree!

Sounds to me like you need to spend more time with your daughter and teach her useful things. :)

123, I also knew someone who thought we lived in South America, rather than the "American South" (Mississippi). The same girl also thought Mexico was one of the 50 states.

I laughed so hard at this! Haha, sorry. But, seriously, please send her back to kindergarten.

If my parent posted this on the Internet I'd be so sad. You did a mean thing, she could see this!