By Anonymous - 11/09/2012 04:47 - United States - Norwalk

Today, my thirteen-year-old daughter tried to scratch the freckles off of her face. We ended up going to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 774
You deserved it 2 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Has your daughter ever taken an IQ test? just curious

She kept scratching even though it hurt that bad and did enough damage to get taken to the hospital? She needs help.


She was probably teased about her freckles at school, maybe that's why she tried to get rid of them.

KingCeltic77 18

It's sad to think that we have to look a certain way to be accepted by society. So she has some freckles. She can still be beautiful with them. We were all made in God's image, why can't we be happy and accept it?

BeautyOfGrac3 6

Smart one you raised. Teach her that it's not DIRT (the only other time I've heard of this was when a friends two yr thought her face was dirty and she kept trying to wash her face) Remind her that it's a part of herself that makes her unique and beautiful.

caitiebug1119 15

Oh goodness, that's going to be awkward to explain to everyone at school. Hopefully there won't be permanent scars. If she thought freckles were bad, imagine how bad those scratches must look.

That sounds more like a body image should make sure she is alright mentally more than physically before it gets worse.

reimichele 8

The poor dear. I wish her a speedy recovery. It's easy to hate things that make us stick out. Make sure she knows that you love and value her just the way she is.