By 919191 - 18/08/2014 13:26 - New Zealand - Christchurch

Today, my two-year-old daughter's favourite word is 'No'. After leaving her with my sixteen-year-old brother, she now knows other N words as well. Niet, Nein, Non and Never. Her teenage uncle thinks it's hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 408
You deserved it 6 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't teach her the big N word.

To be perfectly honest that was where I thought this FML was going. After I finished reading it I just went well it could have been a lot worse.


he forgot nehi, and nada. yea my 2 year old godson is in this stage as well. Answering no for everything. I normally ask him something he would like to do or phrase the question differently so that he would say yes. So far it is working.

she's cute lol but I can see why that can get old real quick. FYL

I'm sorry, but I am 16 and that sounds exactly like something I would do. its hilarious when you don't have to deal with it later.

We were all thinking the same with the "N" word

Could've been worse..the racial slur N word, nipple,Nash Grier,....

I think no was also my first all the languages I knew at that age...It certainly was my favorite word and I wasn't afraid to exercise my knowledge of it.