By 919191 - 18/08/2014 13:26 - New Zealand - Christchurch

Today, my two-year-old daughter's favourite word is 'No'. After leaving her with my sixteen-year-old brother, she now knows other N words as well. Niet, Nein, Non and Never. Her teenage uncle thinks it's hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 408
You deserved it 6 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't teach her the big N word.

To be perfectly honest that was where I thought this FML was going. After I finished reading it I just went well it could have been a lot worse.


My niece had the same problem everything would be no. Lol

Respect101 17

Just wait till they hit the "why" stage.... It's extremely annoying to hear why after everything you say...

There are far worse N words she can learn.

martin8337 35

Much like everyone else, I thought that this FML was going there. Thank goodness it didn't.

Ha I thought you were going somewhere else with the n words thing XD

I too would find it amusing if a two year old screamed "NEIN!" at someone...

You should come visit a German speaking country then for a good chuckle. It is pretty common over here.

Let me just shit out money first, and all my dreams will come true!

Respect101 17

If you shit money, I'm kidnapping you. Just sayin.

juturnaamo 29

Weird. In 2 years I never saw a German kid be a dick.

Your daughter has a great uncle! Not every 16-years old guy would take care of a two years old child, in his free time.

pwnman 33

I love taking care of my niece! I'd spend my whole day with her! I'm fourteen, and she just loves her uncle (me) and I love my niece!

But at least he's taking time with her and teaching her things. What a fun uncle.

I think your daughter is really lucky to have a 16 year old Uncle who can speak various languages, and is teaching them to your daughter in a fun way. Your brother sounds super awesome. You should let him babysit more often.

He taught her the same word in other languages. I doubt he knows any more thst the daughter does. Google "no" in other languages. Sounds like an ass to me.

ShadowlessSpear 21

Like an ass? What did the uncle do wrong?

Took something irritating and made it worse.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't THAT irritating, I mean it was funny and in my opinion its kind of cute, but you know thats me.

Could of been worse. Doesn't make him an ass and one day op can teach his kids that.

Better than running around yelling ******.

I have a brand new niece. When she starts talking, I'm going to teach her to say, "I OBJECT!" It'll be awesome.

My cousin would say "now is not the time to panic." wait a minute then scream "now is the perfect time to panic ahhhhhhh!" kids can be realy funny.

Or: " I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request"