By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, my vegetarian housemate cleaned the fridge. He threw away all of the meat in our fridge and made a nice sign stating "Meat is Murder". I was storing roughly $1000 worth of filet mignon steaks and seafood for my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 626
You deserved it 5 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.

I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T


Your roommate is a asshole. He didn't even have the balls to tell you in person but left a sign. Give him the options.. replace the meat and move out, or join the next animal that is going to be slaughtered. He made a choice not to eat meat.. now he get the choice live or die.

First explain to your little fairy friend that NOW, those animals died for nothing. That you had intended to use them to eat and stay alive. Their death would have had meaning. Then, tie him to a chair and use a hacksaw to slowly extract the human equivalent cuts of meat off him, starting from the legs up, so that when you start wrapping them up and put them in the freezer, he is still alive to watch you do it.

Buy some gigantic meat and hang it up near his bed while he is sleeping then key his car then take a crap in his mouth.

Turnip_Girl 0

Well, I can't say I approve of that!

youthink_fml 0

Vegetarians are like religious nuts - always trying to push their agendas on other people. Have the asshole arrested.

1ParanoidAndroid 7

What an a--hole. You should file a police report. At least that way there would be some hope he would be forced to repay your sister. I'm not sure why so many people think all vegetarians are fanatics. This guy is, but someone like my best friend is not. She is fine with me eating meat.

not all religious people try to force things on you. most are actuaqlly quite tolerant. ti's just the ones that make a big deal of it that we remember.

boatkicker 4

nosparkle, that's why they said "religious nuts" instead of just "religious people" There's no denying that the nuts are causing problems. Any kind of nut causes problems... except for like nuts that are food but that's totally a different topic. lol.

MiaFleur 0

I'm a vegeterian, but I would never do what this guy did and I would never force my opinions/beliefs on to someone else.

Vegitarian eating meat. HMM what if you make HIM eat MEAT!!!! ALOT OF MEAT!!!!!! :D

Looks like he's going to be covering your rent for a while to make up for it.

Beatlesndoherty 0

If Paul McCartney wasn't a vegitarian, I would've kicked his ass, that'd be the only thing holding me back. I'm a Kentucky girl, huntin', fishin', and killin' animals for food is awesome! Yay for a Beatles obsession! Make him pay for it. And buy more, so more tasty animals are killed. >:-D

lakita_lover 0

Didn't it occur to your idiot housemate that if the cow and sea creatures are already dead it would better to let be served at the wedding than have their meat go to waste?!! Besides, now you'll have to buy more meat for the wedding, thus using another dead animal an ensuring (in a very small way) that meat farmers stay in business. Seems very counterproductive to the vegetarian cause. If your housemate just wanted to spite you she'd have been better off just stealing $1,000 from you and flushing it down the drain, since that's effectively what she did. Point this out to her, and then find someone else to live with.

Kira_fml 0

Are there actually people like this in the world?