By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
It's not a phase, Mom!
By worried mama - 31/12/2023 14:00 - United States - Richmond
By merrymary - 07/01/2012 11:11 - United States
Go vegan
By Done - 24/11/2020 05:02 - Italy
By Weasel123 - 26/10/2012 07:58 - United States - Anadarko
The Stinking of Hill House
By laner - 26/07/2019 12:00
By ledon - 16/11/2011 04:15 - Canada
By anonymous - 08/10/2011 20:40 - United States
By stillsick - 02/03/2011 00:11 - Canada
Our house, is a very very very fine house
By Anonymous - 24/03/2021 17:00
By uncleaning - 22/07/2009 23:03 - United States
Top comments
people like this give vegitarians bad names. i dont like meat but i dont make a big deal out of the people who do like meat.
people try to force meat on me all the time! I've never tried to get anyone to stop eating meat (I even occasionally cook it for my boyfriend). Not all vegetarians are nut cases, some of us just don't like the taste of meat
Reenact this FML for him: in all seriousness though Tell him to pay you back, if he doesnt call the police. If that fails, steal 1100 worth of stuff from his room, and rebuy the meat, hopefully the wedding isnt too soon. The extra 100 is for the trouble you have to go through. Depending on whose name is on the lease or whatever, you may or may not be able to just not pay your rent. Also, you could put an ad up on craigslist saying something like "whatever you can carry out of a room in X hours, 1000. Includes computer/tv/whatever" and put it up when he wont be home for a while. Two wrongs may not make a right, but if he refuses to make it right, you are justified.
Hey franfran... would be no need to destroy any forests. Where do you think all the animals you eat are kept? In a magical castle in the sky? The meat industry uses a LOT of land. Land to house the animals, land to grow crops for the animals, land for the slaughterhouses/factories where the meat is if we were to cut back on meat production, there would be plenty of extra land to grow crops on. Plus if we were to grow more crops, there would be MORE oxygen, not less. I'm a vegetarian myself, and I think that guy is a douche. It's idiots like him who give vegetarians a bad rap. If someone wants meat, I could care less. We are supposed to be omnivores (hence the canines). I seriously hate people who become vegetarian like it's some cool fad and run around screaming "meat is murder". It's nature. Animals eat one another. Get over it. To the OP, file a report, get your $1000 back, and kick that jerk out. FYL.
At OP, You could do what all these other people suggest, or you could do something better. 1.) Get the money back after explaining he just ruined your sisters wedding. 2.) Take the trashcan full of meat and put it somewhere warm and leave it until after you have your money. 3.) Take the trashcan full of rotted/maggoty meat and pour it over him as he sleeps. 4.) Bask in the glowing warmth of revenge until he pursues litigation against you for psychological duress (unless you live in Portland, NY, Seattle, NH, or CA you should be fine).
Sue him. Or sell his computer and other stuff until you have $1000 back.
A. I don't think this is true. B. Make him pay up. C. Remind him how much extra animal flesh is being wasted, purely because you have to get so much more now, since he wasted it. D. Sneak meat in his food. ALL the time. And roadkill in his bed. (: "I'm a vegetarian myself, and I think that guy is a douche. It's idiots like him who give vegetarians a bad rap. If someone wants meat, I could care less." Sameeee. Most vegheads really don't care, so long as you're not trying to force it on them. I certainly don't... or I wouldn't date meat-eaters, which I always do. hah. "Vegetarians are up there among the worst people in the world. Should have kicked him out when you found out he didnt eat red meat. You cant trust a man that wont eat a good steak." STFU. Actually, it tends to mean they're compassionate and care, If you don't like caring people... what kind of person are you?
I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.
I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T