By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, my vegetarian housemate cleaned the fridge. He threw away all of the meat in our fridge and made a nice sign stating "Meat is Murder". I was storing roughly $1000 worth of filet mignon steaks and seafood for my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 626
You deserved it 5 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.

I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T


You can't do anything to prevent murdering animals. Either you eat them regurarly or you take the food from them and they'll all die. I think they appreciate we take a little from both so it gets balanced.

Heh, on self-righteous vegetarians, hilarious. The study which has a link to it is great too showing based on the least harm factor you actually hurt less animals by eating animals like cows then consuming grain/vegetable based products. I think you need to make him pay and if he cant accept you and your family for who you guys are, you need a new roommate. I am gambling that if you share the fridge then he was annoyed cause you filled it with something he can't stand but that is no excuse ever for such damage.

WTF? Where in your undeveloped, uninformed mind did you come up with that scenario? It takes 10 acres of land to produce one pound of meat... you mean to imply that if we don't clearcut forests for $1-menu hamburgers that the cows are going to run out of food and die? You're serious... omg, you're serious... f all of our lives..

Simple solution: Make the super douche pay you back and then go and purchase the food again. Then let your sister have at him because I am sure she will go bat shit crazy on him. :o)

Ox_Baker 0

Actually, plants CREATE oxygen by eliminating carbon dioxide. You might have learned this if you'd finished middle school.

Ugh its people like this that make vegetarians look bad >=(. there are some vegetarians(like me) that dont care if others eat meat. I am actually just against factory farming; if someone hunts for their meat then i really dont care. I also hate those freaks that try to shove their beliefs down your throat.

_system_ 0

Stab him in the face repeatedly, rob him of what you're owed, re-commence stabbing.

PhantomxBrave 0

I'm a vegetarian but damn, what your roommate did was unnecessary.

jdkfgkjdfb 0

That was dumb of him. I respect his decision to be vegetarian, but it's YOURS, and besides, now they've been killed for nothing. If you had been able to eat it then at least they would have had some purpose of being killed. #271: You rock.

Then he owes you. I'm vegetarian but I'm not for violating other people's lives the way he did. You should tell him he owes you money for the wedding. And that he's a dick.