By cheesfactor - 19/05/2012 19:50 - Bulgaria - Rousse
Same thing different taste
Vintage cars
By Jeff Again - 03/09/2023 00:02 - United States
By Sash - 06/04/2012 21:04 - United Kingdom
Bring your A game
By Anonymous - 23/12/2024 09:00 - United States
Great start
By ChandaPanda - 15/03/2022 23:00 - Australia
By zevil - 18/11/2008 16:54 - Peru
By "syd_the_kidd_9707" - 25/02/2019 00:00
All over the place
By Anonymous - 29/03/2023 12:00
Dating is hell
By Anonymous - 15/05/2022 02:00
Didn't think it through
By Mister_FML - 12/08/2020 08:01
By lizzie - 27/07/2011 13:30 - United States
Top comments
the guy is probably a dick anyway
Very observant of you. Actually, I was under the impression that not being able to make a date and not bothering to inform your date of this was the mark of a gentleman.
4- you're probably a dick too
Oh, most definitely. I never claimed I wasn't, after all.
1- Probably!?
Also, it never says she was going on a date with a guy, it could've been another girl.
awh that sucks... you obviously deserve better
Let's look at it this way... You didn't waste time getting dressed and got an amazing calf burn walkin downtown. Once you reached your resturant you were graced by your own pressence. That night you slept a nice heavy sleep. Badabum
Hate when that happens, which is never. Sucks for you.
3 - I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often, you seem rude. :/
Lucky you! Do you feel so proud that you never get stood while OP does? Way to bring people down.
Wow I hate when I realize I have no friends like you. Oh wait that's never! Way to be a nice guy
Way to be a raging self absorbed ****...
42 - Nice guys finish last though...
The word "scuttled" made the FML.
Yes, some nice imagery huh. Helps you empathize lol
I just picture her rushing down the sidewalk crouched down, hands in the air, and scooting sideways like Dr. Zoidberg.
(V) (;,,;) (V) Why not Zoidberg?
Whoop whoop whoop!
Eh, you'd probably have made a bad impression anyway, being sweaty from the scuttling, and in dirty clothes no less.
Way to be optimistic.
I fail to see what wasn't optimistic about my comment.
What makes you think OP was dirty? Not all of us are prissy princesses who can't walk a mile without getting dirty.
I didn't say she was dirty. I said she was wearing dirty clothes, due to the fact that she couldn't change.
29, that makes no sense. Wouldn't a prissy princess be less likely to get dirty walking a mile? A prissy princess wouldn't be crawling there, playing in the mud and such.
Man, you had a bad day, I feel sorry for you :( But hey, sounds like it was better than my day.
There's an app for that.
/Oh really?/
That is a day that just sucked arse! I hate days like that; at least you should have used up all your bad juju and be ready for some good stuff!

The word "scuttled" made the FML.
Watch out guys. We've got a badass over here.