By Anonymous - 06/03/2015 01:34 - United States - Ridge

Today, my wife complained that the coffee grounds I swept into the sink grossed her out. Yesterday, I removed several panty-liners from her soiled underwear before doing the laundry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 157
You deserved it 3 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I cannot believe some people make their bodily functions so gross for other people to deal with. why on earth anyone would leave that in their underwear for someone else to deal with is beyond me. it takes seconds to wrap it in tissue and put it in the bin!


squarecircles 13

Put them in their own pile & tell her to deal with it. Better yet, sprinkle coffee grounds on them and be like "well if I can't wipe it in the sink..."

chef4money 12

I'm really wondering why she feels it's ok to just leave the pads in the underwear. Sorry dude but from my standpoint your wife is nasty. The fact that she did it several times makes it even worse.

Sorry OP, that's just awful! She should do that herself, that's just disgusting and unsanitary.

Willibobs 33

Who the **** leaves them festering in their underwear for any longer than they need to be? And who in their right mind would touch that if it wasn't theirs?! Ugh, some people are sickening! I really feel for you man.

AkaPanda 12

Well you need to pipe up and tell her that her soiled underwear is disgusting and makes you sick

numberswoman 14

Since she was apparently saving them, did you put them in her underwear drawer?

You should just leave those for her to wash! That's so disgusting and disrespectful ESP if you are expected to do her laundry for her! I just would not wash them if I were you! Let her do it!

Now, I have to ask, are we talking pads or actual panty liners? Because one is for menstrual fluid, the other is for normal discharge, and the latter is MAYBE something I could understand forgetting multiple times in one wash load.

tehdarkness 21

Totes. Still annoying for op but probably not grounds for divorce!