By Anonymous - 08/08/2015 04:02 - United States - Portland

Today, my wife handed over most of our son's college fund, in cash, to an investment scammer going by the name "Herp A. Derpson". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 132
You deserved it 3 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he say he was a prince from Nigeria too?

iPixelCheese 19

No offense, but your wife is a dumbass. And wasn't there another FML where the mom was about to send 1400 dollars to a church, and the pastor was Herp McDerpington. Unlike that story, it's too late, I am sorry OP


If his wife read all these comments :')

And that name alone didn't trigger in her mind that that person's clearly a phony?

With those jeans, who needs college

TacoCat15 10
BlockOfRedStone 25

Implying that he knew that his wife was going to do it before it happened...

Hahahahahah!! I thought you may have a sense of humour, after all....YOU MARRIED HER!!!